Home Pulmonology & Critical Care
The Chest Department at Westfort Hospital provides comprehensive consultation, evaluation and treatment of Paediatric, adults & aged with lung disease. It is equipped with the following facilities:
- Immunotherapy for Allergy & Asthma: Our Department is having a full panel of Allergy test, Immunotherapy & Desensitization.
- A full Spectrum Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT System)
- Intervention Pulmonology other than FOB-All kinds of Pleural Bx, Lung Bx, Lung FNAC, Pleurosesis, lntercostal Tube Procedure etc. are also done.
- Video Bronchoscopy (FOB): All diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with FOB are done here which includes Endobronchial Bx, Transbronchial FNAC, Bronchial Brushing, Wash, Lavage, Foreign Body Removal, ICU Bronchoscopy etc.
- Polysomography: Full sleep study & screening is done and treatment given with CPAP & BPAP.
- Critical Care: Our critical care set up is fully equipped by ICU with ventilators, non-invasive ventilators, bronchoscope etc
We have Special Clinics for Asthma, COPD, Sleep Disorders, Smoke Cessation etc.